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Why?  Why     paint?

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I love painting in oils. I love everything about it; the brushes the smell and the incredible pigments.  


When I paint I can feel so very happy.


I have always had art in my life. My mother is an artist, and as early as I can remember she used to take us to museums and art galleries. Afterwards we would go to a cakeshop and chat about our experience, and then we would go home and make our own 'art', inspired by what we had seen.


There were many artists in the family. My father's father and two of my father's brothers were all architects. My 'farfar' especially used to paint beautiful small watercolours of buildings in a very limited palette. He also restored houses and we got to help him mix the wall paints. He could never find the exact colour he wanted in the shop, because he was matching colours that were already on the wall. My mother's sister is also an artist, and my grandmother got her degree in art history when she was in her sixties and also painted.

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Apart from family, several famous artists have been an inspiration.   Bonnard may be my alltime favorite. I adore his use of colour and choice of subject matter.  He generally painted people having a good time, sitting outside in the sun, eating yummy food, looking at lovely views or going to the theatre. What a guy!


I very much like Harriet Bacher for her lovely interiors and use of light and colour, and Christian Krohg for his use of light and social commentary.


John Singer Sargent for his wonderful portraits... People in the portrait gallery in London must think me a bit strange when I stare at his paintings, my nose 4 inches from the canvas, looking at his brush strokes. 


It is regrettable that several of the artist that inspire me are no longer living - however, I recently travelled to Arizona to take a workshop from a contemporary inspiration, the Australian artist Colley Whisson. Again, the light and colour.  Wonderful experience.

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©2025 Kirsten Dear.  

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